
Biff loman characteristics
Biff loman characteristics

biff loman characteristics biff loman characteristics

Not only did he lie about him returning but he also lied to Linda about the company in New York. 1236) he blamed the coffee for him returning but in reality he went back because he almost ran over someone in Yonkers, where he had reached. He lied to her about why he had returned which he said he couldn’t drive anymore “Linda: …Maybe it was the coffee.” (Miller, pg. Willy intentionally lied to Linda, “Willy: I suddenly couldn’t drive anymore. The lies began when Willy had first arrived at his house and Linda had asked why he was back so early. All of Willy’s lies contributed to him being portrayed as a dishonest character. Willy always lied about many things to his wife Linda, and his two sons, he would lie to cover up for all his failures so they could think he was a productive salesman. Due to the fact that Willy was very insecure about himself and got him nowhere near any of his goals, he was never able to achieve many of the goals he always dreamed of. Willy had failed so many times to the point that he doesn’t really have any proof of any work that he has ever done which was why he wanted to leave a garden which would give his family legacy and money when Willy was gone. Not being able to leave any money for his wife and his two sons made him very doubtful most of the time. I don’t have a thing on the ground.” When Willy mentions the seeds he was basically saying that he didn’t have anything to leave his family, such as money or his salesman legacy which basically symbolized all of his failure. While he was talking to Stanley he mentioned he needed some seeds to plant, “Willy: I’ve got to get some seeds…right away… Nothing’s planted. He wants to get things done so he will be able to be successful and leave things for his wife Linda and his two sons, Biff and Happy. Willy failing so many times has made him extremely insecure about himself.

biff loman characteristics

The dialogue between Willy and the illusion of Ben talking about being abandoned is what describes one of the reasons why Willy has several insecurities. Willy also stated that he felt “kind of temporary” about himself since he never had a father figure that he could talk to when he needed a shoulder to lean on. The sentence shows that growing up Willy never got the chance to speak with his father or really anyone, he wanted Ben to stay there longer because he was all he needed. His insecurities were created when he was small, at a young age his father left his brother Ben and Willy when he was a baby as stated by Willy when he was having unreal conversation with Ben “Willy: Can’t you stay a few days?… dad left when i was such a baby and I never had a chance to talk to him…”. In the play Death of a Salesman Willy has many flaws which are shown through his dialogue and actions in most of the play, Willy Loman has shown many insecurities which describes a character of insecurity.

Biff loman characteristics